
The libation of the Guild. This luminous liquor, infused with the purest Eonite, is prized for its aroma, complex flavor palette, and psychoactive properties. Rumored to also provide healing and life extension, it has been theorized that consumption of Onosia is what would enable the Halogens to be alive after nearly a century. It is also widely circulated that the Nocturne imbibes the drink with great regularity and quantity as well, which aids them in avoiding injury and grants them exceptional tactical prowess. Traditionally almost impossible to acquire by non-Guild members, it has become slightly more accessible in recent times owing to the greater degree of free-flowing capital and complexity of the management of Pytheas requiring an increase in non-guild individuals being brought into the daily machinations. These temporary employees are granted an allowance of the beverage as both an incentive and a productivity enhancer. It seems that this increase in manufacture has lead to some overproduction and subsequently a certain amount of stock has gone missing. The general populace has now found access to the draught through the black market and certain back alley connections. It is still quite rare for outsiders and therefore serves as an excellent bribe.

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