
The planet Pytheas was once a relatively unknown, uninhabited, and ignored rock in the Sitorian sector. It came into prominence with the rise of the Imperial Guild, previously known as the Kyroskia Space Guild, and their control of the resource Eonite.

Pytheas is a barren stone, inhabited only by the Guild, their Military Force, and the workers they employ who scour the surface for deposits of Eonite to keep the economic engine of the galaxy running. Up until this point the surface deposits were abundant, but it seems in recent years they have become scarce. It has been discovered through test runs that Eonite exists under the surface in abundance, but the labor required is both intensive and hazardous. This is the first time that the Guild has opened the planet to anyone outside of their direct hire. All rights to Pytheas are owned and controlled by the Guild.

Purchased for a pittance some 95 cycles ago, it has become the most important economic and technological resource in all human history. Hushed rumors continue to circulate regarding strange objects found during expeditions and digs. The planet seems to hold more mysteries than ever expected.

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